Work is being framed, postcards being printed, invites being sent out - my first solo exhibition is just around the corner now. If you are in the area pop in and have a look (all the details are below)!
Rob Ryan has produced a series of mugs, each one with a bell on which rings a different message. Rob Ryan discovered that bells have inscriptions and names, he says "it's as if each bell had a personality and a voice and it was saying something - so I held onto that idea. Rather than seeing bells as overtly religious, I wanted to adapt them more to everyday things which would relate to everybody on a personal level." SeeSpitalfields Lifefor the full article.
This bell will ring when we have to run for the bus. This bell will ring when we hang out the washing. This bell will ring when our sun finally dies.
I've just finished another very tasty image for my upcoming Suffolk Food Hall exhibition. This image is all about olives - here are a couple from the image to keep you going.
Whilst in London I also had a meeting with fellow illustrator and friend James Shedden to talk about my website re-design. It's now on the go and I hope to have a brand spanking new website up very soon! I'll keep you posted.
On Tuesday I went to 'Reverting to type' an inspiring exhibition in London of letterpress. Here are a couple of pics of my favourites. The 'I forgot' print was very amusing!
Some of my favourite things are: cutting paper, making rubber stamps, restaurants, brogues, tall buildings, photocopiers, screen-printing, takeaway coffee cups, fish, making marks and celebrating things I see.