Friday, 30 April 2010

Wrapping paper entry

I've ben working on a submission for the Frinton Press 2010 wrapping paper project. This is one of my designs... fingers crossed.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Recipe Book Covers

I love recipe book covers, here are a selection of my favourites:


I came across some bright, fun and illustrated packaging in Aldeburgh today... I just had to buy them.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Eat me mag

So through the post this week came the first issue of Eat Me, a brand new sophisticated food mag. Here's a pic of the cover and my illustrations in the magazine. To make sure you get the next issue delivered straight to you go to The design and images are a treat.

Jane Ormes

A few weeks ago I came across the LOVELY work of Jane Ormes, in a Cambridge gallery. Her screenprints are so fun and playful. Jane completed a degree in Surface Pattern Design and it's influences on her work can be seen with the patterned elements alongside drawn marks and shapes. Have a look at her website for more...

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Cambridge Wine Merchants

Just got back from a lovely day in Cambridge -I did a few drawings of Cambridge Wine Merchants when the sun came out, it's a gorgeous building and I loved the bike outside. I did a screenprint of this shop when I was studying in Cambridge, but I hope to make a new print from my latest drawings.

Friday, 9 April 2010


I quite like the shapes and marks of corks from bottles of wine. And will make a print using these drawings for the Suffolk Food Hall Exhibition....

High 5

Here are some happy illustrations I have completed this week for a new range of loyalty cards for St Nicholas Stores.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Shinro Ohtake

After a much needed spring clean of my studio I re-discovered a whole lot of interesting things. I came across the work of Shinro Ohtake again: Ohtake was inspired to make 'street books' by an old man he met in London, who collected matchbooks and glued them into pages of a notebook. On his website it says his books are 'intense travel scrapbooks crammed with discarded cultural artifacts-scavenged tickets, snapshots, tags, currency, newspapers and other mass-produced printed matter shrugged off by popular culture. They are sculptural, multi-colored, excessive layerings of found images and objects that interact with his own painting and drawing before he seals them with coats of wax, stain, and varnish, plastic or fiberglass.'

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Columbia Road

I spent the day down Columbia Road in London last week, found a delicious Italian deli for lunch, visited 'Ryantown' Rob Ryan's little shop and discovered some charming drift wood sculptures made by Victor Stuart Graham. (I especially liked the white door with the various blue coloured photos in the middle photo)