I'm concentrating on getting the designs for these cards developed and screen printed at the moment. Here is the colour palette I am going to use and some words so far. At the weekend I will do some rubbings of the typefaces used on street signs and will experiment with incorporating these into the designs.
I've just confirmed an exhibition at the Suffolk Food Hall, it's not until next year, but that's good I can make work for it all through out the year. My exhibition will defiantly be food themed and there is sure to be some fish in there.
Albert Exergian, an Austrian designer, created a series of modernist images inspired by TV shows. I like the simplicity of the shapes and colour palette.
Some of my favourite things are: cutting paper, making rubber stamps, restaurants, brogues, tall buildings, photocopiers, screen-printing, takeaway coffee cups, fish, making marks and celebrating things I see.